April Fool's Day Prank - Who Did It?

On the Monday after April Fool's Day, Mr. Hartman's classroom was a mess. Toilet paper covered the desks, chairs, dry erase board, the television, and even Mr. Hartman's desk. Who do you think toilet papered Mr. Hartman's classroom? Write a persuasive letter to the person providing three reasons why you think they were the one to commit this crime. Be sure to let them know that the letter is all in good fun. ;)

Dear Sean,

When I walked into the classroom there was toilet paper everywhere. I think you did it because you have been acting suspicious. You are always laughing like a person who pulled a prank. Plus you always seemed like the pranking type to me. Please write back a hint to who did it, or write if it was you!



P.S. - It was funny when the toilet paper was everywhere!


Dear Mrs. Botwick,

When I came in the classroom this morning, it looked a lot different than the whole entire year I walked into Mr. Hartman's classroom. And I think you did this April Fool's prank because you like messing around with our entire class. Mr. Hartman told us that a lot of second grade teachers said goodbye to him in a mysterious way when he left on Friday. I think you didn't prank anyone for April Fool's Day so you decided to pick our classroom. It was kind of rude with toilet paper all around our classroom, so confess to me at recess!



P.S. - It was really lots of fun when we got to walk around the classroom with toilet paper all over the place.


Dear Mrs. Botwick,

When I came to school, the classroom was messed up. This morning, I think you should get a payback and here are the reasons why. Mrs. Botwick, you give a lot of pranks any day. So we think you did it.

Mr. Hartman locked his classroom door on Friday when he was done with report cards. You saw him as he exited the door and went home. When he left school you came into his classroom. I have a question for you. How did you get a key when the only people who have a key are the teachers and custodians. He came back to school on Monday and saw tissue paper everywhere.



P.S. - I was glad you did this prank because it was really fun for me.

Dear Mr. Hartman's Class,

Thank you for the great letters you left by my door this morning! I really enjoyed reading all of them. I didn't know that you guys thought I was sneaky, suspicious, and mysterious. You had a lot of fantastic arguments in your letters explaining why you thought I was the one that pranked your room.

Yes, I like to joke around with your class and Mr. Hartman. I am glad that you all have such a good sense of humor. Okay.... I confess... I was ONE of the people that toilet papered your room. It wasn't even my idea, though. You will have to figure out who my accomplice was. I don't think it is right for me to tattle on them.

Do you want to know how we did it? Yes, Mr. Hartman usually locks his room when he leaves. I do not have a key. So...right before Mr. Hartman was going to leave on Friday, I nonchalantly asked him if I could borrow some of his A-Z books, and could he please leave his room open? I told him I would shut the door when I was finished. (Pretty sneaky, huh?) I watched Mr. Hartman ride away on his bike. Then we (my accomplice and I) got out the toilet paper and headed to your room. It was fun wrapping the toilet paper EVERYWHERE!

Can you guess how many rolls of toilet paper we used?

Thanks again for being such good sports about it! I wouldn't like being a teacher if I had to be serious ALL of the time. I will be keeping my eye on all of you because I am sure you are already scheming how you will get back at our class.


Mrs. Botwick

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Mrs. Botwick and Mrs. Robinson